Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

Alex Osterwalder
January 29, 2018
 min read
Explore vs Exploit
Business Model Innovation

We decided to repost this video because it continues to be one of the biggest challenges we see companies face: to create two parallel cultures of world-class execution and world class innovation that collaborate harmoniously.

I use this video with senior executives across the globe because they immediately recognize the challenge that they haven’t been able to articulate as clearly so far. The video helps them understand that it is not about execution OR innovation, but about AND. Ultimately, the video helps to explain how difficult it is to build these two cultures under one roof. The logic of the execution engine and the innovation engine is very different. I’ve laid it out in the table below:

We explored this challenge in more detail in a number of posts that were published last year:

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About the speakers

Alex Osterwalder
Entrepreneur, speaker and business thinker

Dr. Alexander (Alex) Osterwalder is one of the world’s most influential innovation experts, a leading author, entrepreneur and in-demand speaker whose work has changed the way established companies do business and how new ventures get started.

Alex Osterwalder
January 29, 2018

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Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

January 29, 2018
 min read
Explore vs Exploit
Business Model Innovation

We decided to repost this video because it continues to be one of the biggest challenges we see companies face: to create two parallel cultures of world-class execution and world class innovation that collaborate harmoniously.

I use this video with senior executives across the globe because they immediately recognize the challenge that they haven’t been able to articulate as clearly so far. The video helps them understand that it is not about execution OR innovation, but about AND. Ultimately, the video helps to explain how difficult it is to build these two cultures under one roof. The logic of the execution engine and the innovation engine is very different. I’ve laid it out in the table below:

We explored this challenge in more detail in a number of posts that were published last year:

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Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

We decided to repost this video because it continues to be one of the biggest challenges we see companies face: to create two parallel cultures of world-class execution and world class innovation that collaborate harmoniously.

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Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different
Why execution and innovation are fundamentally different

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Want to make innovation work in your organization? Connect with us to explore practical solutions that fit your needs. We'll help you build ideas that deliver measurable results.
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