What is a business model?

Alex Osterwalder
 min read
Business Model Canvas
Business Models
Product Management

A business model is nothing other than a representation of how an organization makes (or intends to make) money. This can be nicely described through the 9 building blocks illustrated in the graphic below, which we call "business model canvas".

The business model topic is very popular among business people today because in various industries we can see a proliferation of new and innovative business models (i.e. new ways of making money).

In several industries new business models are threatening or even replacing established companies and conventional ways of doing business. Just have a look at the music or airline industry.

Hence, the interest in business models comes from two opposing sides:

  • Established companies have to find new and innovative business models to compete against growing competition and to fend off insurgent
  • Entrepreneurs want to find new and innovative business models to carve out their space in the marketplace

Within this context the business model concept is a particularly helpful unit of strategic analysis tailored to today's competitive business environment.

It helps executives as well as entrepreneurs increase their capacity to manage continuous change and constantly adapt to rapidly changing business environments by injecting new ideas into their business model.

But what actually is a business model?

In management meetings the question of what a business model is (even what “our” business model is) often remains relatively vague.

The main reason for this is because business people have an intuitive understanding of business models. Normal, since the business model is about how an organization makes money, which is a manger’s job after all.

However, there is often a lack of a more precise and shared understanding of what a business model is. Yet, such a common understanding is required if we want to have high quality discussions of one’s business model and make important business model decisions.

Therefore we have come up with the 9 building block approach to describing business models. It has the characteristics of any other type of model (e.g. in architecture or engineering).

Like other models it is a simplified description and representation of a complex real world object. It describes the original in a way that we understand its essence without having to deal with all its characteristics and complexities.

In the same line of thought we can define a business model as a simplified description of how a company does business and makes money without having to go into the complex details of all its strategy, processes, units, rules, hierarchies, workflows, and systems.

Based on an extensive literature research and real-world experience we define a business model as consisting of 9 building blocks that constitute the business model canvas (readers of this blog will realize that this is an updated and slightly adapted version of the model):

  1. The value proposition of what is offered to the market;
  2. The segment(s) of clients that are addressed by the value proposition;
  3. The communication and distribution channels to reach clients and offer them the value proposition;
  4. The relationships established with clients;
  5. The key resources needed to make the business model possible;
  6. The key activities necessary to implement the business model;
  7. The key partners and their motivations to participate in the business model;
  8. The revenue streams generated by the business model (constituting the revenue model);
  9. The cost structure resulting from the business model.

Origins of the term business model

The term business model became popular only in the late 90s, which, personally I think is related to the rapid erosion of prices in the IT and telecom industry.

The roots of my assumption lie in Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). As it became so cheap to process, store, and share information across business units and other companies all the way to the customer, many new ways of doing business became possible.

Value chains were broken up and reconfigured. Innovative information rich or enriched products and services appeared. New distribution channels emerged. More customers were reached.

Ultimately this lead to globalization and increased competition, but, as described above, it also led to new ways of doing business. In other words, today there is a larger variety of how companies can make money. "New" in this case refers to what they do, how they do it and for whom they do it.

For managers and executives, this means that they have a whole new range of possibilities to design their businesses. This results in innovative and competing business models in the same industries.

Before, it used to be sufficient to say in what industry you where in, for somebody to understand what your company was doing. All players had more or less the same business model.

Today it is not sufficient to choose a lucrative industry, but you must also design a competitive business model.

In addition, increased competition and rapid copying of successful business models forces all players to continuously innovate and adapt their business model to gain and/or sustain a competitive edge.

Companies that thoroughly understand their business model and know how the building blocks relate to each other will be able to constantly rethink and redesign these blocks and their relationship to innovate before their business model is copied.

Business models & innovation

The term business model is also closely related to innovation. As I mentioned, the business model concept is related to a whole new range of business design opportunities.

There are examples of business model innovations in each of the 9 building blocks described.

The most obvious is innovating in the value proposition. When mobile phones appeared in the market they offered a different value proposition than fixed line phones.

In the early days of the internet, popular indexes like Yahoo! helped people find information on the web.

Regarding target customer segments, low-cost airlines like EasyJet have brought flying to the masses.

Dell became really successful by exploring the web as a distribution channel.

Gillette has made a fortune by establishing a continuous relationship with customers based on its disposable razors.

Apple resurged based on its core capacity of bringing design to computers and electronic gadgets.

Cisco became famous for its capacity of configuring activities in new and innovative supply chains.

Intel thrived for its capacity to get partners to build on its processing platform.

Google tapped into an innovative revenue stream by linking highly specific search results and content with text ads.

Wal-Mart became dominant by its ability to slash cost throughout its business model.

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Online course: Mastering Business Models

About the speakers

Alex Osterwalder
Entrepreneur, speaker and business thinker

Dr. Alexander (Alex) Osterwalder is one of the world’s most influential innovation experts, a leading author, entrepreneur and in-demand speaker whose work has changed the way established companies do business and how new ventures get started.

Alex Osterwalder

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What is a business model?

What is a business model?

 min read
Business Model Canvas
Business Models
Product Management

A business model is nothing other than a representation of how an organization makes (or intends to make) money. This can be nicely described through the 9 building blocks illustrated in the graphic below, which we call "business model canvas".

The business model topic is very popular among business people today because in various industries we can see a proliferation of new and innovative business models (i.e. new ways of making money).

In several industries new business models are threatening or even replacing established companies and conventional ways of doing business. Just have a look at the music or airline industry.

Hence, the interest in business models comes from two opposing sides:

  • Established companies have to find new and innovative business models to compete against growing competition and to fend off insurgent
  • Entrepreneurs want to find new and innovative business models to carve out their space in the marketplace

Within this context the business model concept is a particularly helpful unit of strategic analysis tailored to today's competitive business environment.

It helps executives as well as entrepreneurs increase their capacity to manage continuous change and constantly adapt to rapidly changing business environments by injecting new ideas into their business model.

But what actually is a business model?

In management meetings the question of what a business model is (even what “our” business model is) often remains relatively vague.

The main reason for this is because business people have an intuitive understanding of business models. Normal, since the business model is about how an organization makes money, which is a manger’s job after all.

However, there is often a lack of a more precise and shared understanding of what a business model is. Yet, such a common understanding is required if we want to have high quality discussions of one’s business model and make important business model decisions.

Therefore we have come up with the 9 building block approach to describing business models. It has the characteristics of any other type of model (e.g. in architecture or engineering).

Like other models it is a simplified description and representation of a complex real world object. It describes the original in a way that we understand its essence without having to deal with all its characteristics and complexities.

In the same line of thought we can define a business model as a simplified description of how a company does business and makes money without having to go into the complex details of all its strategy, processes, units, rules, hierarchies, workflows, and systems.

Based on an extensive literature research and real-world experience we define a business model as consisting of 9 building blocks that constitute the business model canvas (readers of this blog will realize that this is an updated and slightly adapted version of the model):

  1. The value proposition of what is offered to the market;
  2. The segment(s) of clients that are addressed by the value proposition;
  3. The communication and distribution channels to reach clients and offer them the value proposition;
  4. The relationships established with clients;
  5. The key resources needed to make the business model possible;
  6. The key activities necessary to implement the business model;
  7. The key partners and their motivations to participate in the business model;
  8. The revenue streams generated by the business model (constituting the revenue model);
  9. The cost structure resulting from the business model.

Origins of the term business model

The term business model became popular only in the late 90s, which, personally I think is related to the rapid erosion of prices in the IT and telecom industry.

The roots of my assumption lie in Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). As it became so cheap to process, store, and share information across business units and other companies all the way to the customer, many new ways of doing business became possible.

Value chains were broken up and reconfigured. Innovative information rich or enriched products and services appeared. New distribution channels emerged. More customers were reached.

Ultimately this lead to globalization and increased competition, but, as described above, it also led to new ways of doing business. In other words, today there is a larger variety of how companies can make money. "New" in this case refers to what they do, how they do it and for whom they do it.

For managers and executives, this means that they have a whole new range of possibilities to design their businesses. This results in innovative and competing business models in the same industries.

Before, it used to be sufficient to say in what industry you where in, for somebody to understand what your company was doing. All players had more or less the same business model.

Today it is not sufficient to choose a lucrative industry, but you must also design a competitive business model.

In addition, increased competition and rapid copying of successful business models forces all players to continuously innovate and adapt their business model to gain and/or sustain a competitive edge.

Companies that thoroughly understand their business model and know how the building blocks relate to each other will be able to constantly rethink and redesign these blocks and their relationship to innovate before their business model is copied.

Business models & innovation

The term business model is also closely related to innovation. As I mentioned, the business model concept is related to a whole new range of business design opportunities.

There are examples of business model innovations in each of the 9 building blocks described.

The most obvious is innovating in the value proposition. When mobile phones appeared in the market they offered a different value proposition than fixed line phones.

In the early days of the internet, popular indexes like Yahoo! helped people find information on the web.

Regarding target customer segments, low-cost airlines like EasyJet have brought flying to the masses.

Dell became really successful by exploring the web as a distribution channel.

Gillette has made a fortune by establishing a continuous relationship with customers based on its disposable razors.

Apple resurged based on its core capacity of bringing design to computers and electronic gadgets.

Cisco became famous for its capacity of configuring activities in new and innovative supply chains.

Intel thrived for its capacity to get partners to build on its processing platform.

Google tapped into an innovative revenue stream by linking highly specific search results and content with text ads.

Wal-Mart became dominant by its ability to slash cost throughout its business model.

Online course: Mastering Business Models
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What is a business model?

A business model is nothing other than a representation of how an organization makes (or intends to make) money. This can be nicely described through the 9 building blocks illustrated in the graphic below, which we call "business model canvas".

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What is a business model?
What is a business model?

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