The 5 key jobs in innovation

Alex Osterwalder
Tendayi Viki
April 26, 2023
 min read
Innovation Process

The primary role of an innovator is not always to innovate.

We’ve seen many examples of innovators failing because they only focused on the nuts and bolts of innovation.

To make innovation happen, your job is to build relationships inside your organization. You need to lobby for innovation to be front of mind for your CEO, the C-Suite, key business leaders, and key functions within the organization. That’s what we call an innovation ambassador, which is just one of 5 key jobs in innovation.

If you’re a corporate innovator or a leader interested in innovation at any level in your company, this webinar is for you.

Get a clearer idea of what you need to do in your role as a successful innovation leader. Learn whom you need in your team to avoid many of the pitfalls innovators face in corporate entrepreneurship.

In April’s webinar webinar, Alex Osterwalder (CEO, Strategyzer) and Tendayi Viki (Partner, Strategyzer) will walk you through 5 critical jobs in innovation.

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About the speakers

Alex Osterwalder
Entrepreneur, speaker and business thinker

Dr. Alexander (Alex) Osterwalder is one of the world’s most influential innovation experts, a leading author, entrepreneur and in-demand speaker whose work has changed the way established companies do business and how new ventures get started.

Tendayi Viki
Author, Speaker, Advisor

Tendayi Viki is an author and innovation consultant. He holds a PhD in Psychology and an MBA. As Associate Partner at Strategyzer, he helps large organizations innovate for the future while managing their core business.

Alex Osterwalder
Tendayi Viki
April 26, 2023

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The 5 key jobs in innovation

The 5 key jobs in innovation

April 26, 2023
 min read
Innovation Process

The primary role of an innovator is not always to innovate.

We’ve seen many examples of innovators failing because they only focused on the nuts and bolts of innovation.

To make innovation happen, your job is to build relationships inside your organization. You need to lobby for innovation to be front of mind for your CEO, the C-Suite, key business leaders, and key functions within the organization. That’s what we call an innovation ambassador, which is just one of 5 key jobs in innovation.

If you’re a corporate innovator or a leader interested in innovation at any level in your company, this webinar is for you.

Get a clearer idea of what you need to do in your role as a successful innovation leader. Learn whom you need in your team to avoid many of the pitfalls innovators face in corporate entrepreneurship.

In April’s webinar webinar, Alex Osterwalder (CEO, Strategyzer) and Tendayi Viki (Partner, Strategyzer) will walk you through 5 critical jobs in innovation.

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The 5 key jobs in innovation

The primary role of an innovator is not always to innovate.

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The 5 key jobs in innovation
The 5 key jobs in innovation

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Want to make innovation work in your organization? Connect with us to explore practical solutions that fit your needs. We'll help you build ideas that deliver measurable results.
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