StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

August 31, 2015
 min read
Value Proposition Design

Alex Osterwalder recently encouraged the community to ask him any questions on Value Proposition Design. In this StratChat segment, Alex answers a few of those questions. Listen in to hear valuable tips on strengthening your value proposition.

In this Q&A, Alex responds to the following questions:

  • How do you introduce Value Proposition Design to a team in steps?
  • How do you bridge the testing and learning phases?
  • Why can't jobs, pains, and gains just be listed as customer "challenges"?
  • How do you write good interview questions?
  • Should you pitch a value proposition before understanding market fit?
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August 31, 2015

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StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

August 31, 2015
 min read
Value Proposition Design

Alex Osterwalder recently encouraged the community to ask him any questions on Value Proposition Design. In this StratChat segment, Alex answers a few of those questions. Listen in to hear valuable tips on strengthening your value proposition.

In this Q&A, Alex responds to the following questions:

  • How do you introduce Value Proposition Design to a team in steps?
  • How do you bridge the testing and learning phases?
  • Why can't jobs, pains, and gains just be listed as customer "challenges"?
  • How do you write good interview questions?
  • Should you pitch a value proposition before understanding market fit?
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StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

Alex Osterwalder recently encouraged the community to ask him any questions on Value Proposition Design. In this StratChat segment, Alex answers a few of those questions. Listen in to hear valuable tips on strengthening your value proposition.

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StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design
StratChat Q&A: Alex Osterwalder answers audience questions on Value Proposition Design

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Want to make innovation work in your organization? Connect with us to explore practical solutions that fit your needs. We'll help you build ideas that deliver measurable results.
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