How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

Kurt Bostelaar
December 10, 2015
 min read
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Strategyzer co-founder Alex Osterwalder explains how large companies can invent a Lean Startup culture that embraces quick and cheap innovation alongside a company's existing execution culture. The outcome? A company that is constantly uncovering new value propositions and business models, and a company that is actively seeking new growth engines to secure its future.

"None of us wants a Kodak moment anymore: innovation that doesn't prevent a company from going bankrupt.”
Alex Osterwalder
Co-founder of Strategyzer

Key quotes from Alex's talk at the Lean Startup conference

"We tried to figure out how we can help companies intentionally design corporate culture."
"If you think of some of the greatest companies, how much money do they spend on R&D? How much of that money goes into figuring out the right value proposition and business model."
"A big issue, particularly in large companies, is the question of culture. It's the operating system of your company, so how do you create a Lean Startup culture?"
"When you ask companies to define corporate culture, there's no shared language there. It's a tower of Babels."

How the right tools can help shape the world

Check out Alex Osterwalder's talk at the Business Innovation Factory Summit in September. Alex focuses on how the tools we create have the power to shape our businesses, our culture, our institutions, and the world. 

Watch the talk

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About the speakers

Kurt Bostelaar
Program designer

Kurt designs learning experiences that transform how teams work. Through outcome focused programs, he helps practitioners rapidly grasp innovation concepts to create real impact in their organizations. His passion lies in making the complex simple, visual, and practical.

Kurt Bostelaar
December 10, 2015

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How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

December 10, 2015
 min read
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Strategyzer co-founder Alex Osterwalder explains how large companies can invent a Lean Startup culture that embraces quick and cheap innovation alongside a company's existing execution culture. The outcome? A company that is constantly uncovering new value propositions and business models, and a company that is actively seeking new growth engines to secure its future.

"None of us wants a Kodak moment anymore: innovation that doesn't prevent a company from going bankrupt.”
Alex Osterwalder
Co-founder of Strategyzer

Key quotes from Alex's talk at the Lean Startup conference

"We tried to figure out how we can help companies intentionally design corporate culture."
"If you think of some of the greatest companies, how much money do they spend on R&D? How much of that money goes into figuring out the right value proposition and business model."
"A big issue, particularly in large companies, is the question of culture. It's the operating system of your company, so how do you create a Lean Startup culture?"
"When you ask companies to define corporate culture, there's no shared language there. It's a tower of Babels."

How the right tools can help shape the world

Check out Alex Osterwalder's talk at the Business Innovation Factory Summit in September. Alex focuses on how the tools we create have the power to shape our businesses, our culture, our institutions, and the world. 

Watch the talk

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How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

Strategyzer co-founder Alex Osterwalder explains how large companies can invent a Lean Startup culture that embraces quick and cheap innovation alongside a company's existing execution culture. The outcome? A company that is constantly uncovering new value propositions and business models, and a company that is actively seeking new growth engines to secure its future.

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How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation
How large companies can create a Lean Startup culture for strategy & innovation

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