Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

Nabila Amarsy
March 9, 2015
 min read
Testing Business Ideas

It’s pointless to conduct experiments and test your ideas if you don’t learn from them and act upon the obtained insights. That’s why Strategyzer invented the Learning Card: to systematically capture your learnings and make the resulting decisions and actions explicit. Watch the video in this post to discover the Strategyzer Learning Card.

The Learning Card goes hand in hand with The Test Card, which we presented in our last post (Validate Your Ideas with the Test Card). With the Learning Card, you can systematically capture insights from your experiments and turn them into actionable learnings in four steps. These two tools paired together will supercharge your experiments and help you find the right business model and value proposition for your idea.

The Learning Card forces you explicitly articulate:

  1. Which hypotheses you went out to test
  2. What you observed, discovered, or learned in the field
  3. What you deduct from from those observations (i.e. the insights you gained from the experiment)
  4. How you'll act upon this learning (e.g. to improve your business model and value proposition ideas)

Let Greg Bernarda, co-author of Value Proposition Design, walk you through the Learning Card in the following video:

The Learning Card can be used in many contexts, but we use it mainly for Business Model and Value Proposition Design. It helps you capture your insights in the process of turning your ideas into a real business (as a startup or within a global corporation). This iterative process ends when you achieve the three kinds of fits.

In the next post, we'll introduce the Progress Board, a tool to manage and monitor your tests, and assess how much progress you are making towards success. 

How do you capture and track your insights from your business experiments?

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Nabila Amarsy
Nabila Amarsy
March 9, 2015

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Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

March 9, 2015
 min read
Testing Business Ideas

It’s pointless to conduct experiments and test your ideas if you don’t learn from them and act upon the obtained insights. That’s why Strategyzer invented the Learning Card: to systematically capture your learnings and make the resulting decisions and actions explicit. Watch the video in this post to discover the Strategyzer Learning Card.

The Learning Card goes hand in hand with The Test Card, which we presented in our last post (Validate Your Ideas with the Test Card). With the Learning Card, you can systematically capture insights from your experiments and turn them into actionable learnings in four steps. These two tools paired together will supercharge your experiments and help you find the right business model and value proposition for your idea.

The Learning Card forces you explicitly articulate:

  1. Which hypotheses you went out to test
  2. What you observed, discovered, or learned in the field
  3. What you deduct from from those observations (i.e. the insights you gained from the experiment)
  4. How you'll act upon this learning (e.g. to improve your business model and value proposition ideas)

Let Greg Bernarda, co-author of Value Proposition Design, walk you through the Learning Card in the following video:

The Learning Card can be used in many contexts, but we use it mainly for Business Model and Value Proposition Design. It helps you capture your insights in the process of turning your ideas into a real business (as a startup or within a global corporation). This iterative process ends when you achieve the three kinds of fits.

In the next post, we'll introduce the Progress Board, a tool to manage and monitor your tests, and assess how much progress you are making towards success. 

How do you capture and track your insights from your business experiments?

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Validate your ideas with The Test Card
Value Proposition Design
Survival of the fittest
Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

It’s pointless to conduct experiments and test your ideas if you don’t learn from them and act upon the obtained insights. That’s why Strategyzer invented the Learning Card: to systematically capture your learnings and make the resulting decisions and actions explicit. Watch the video in this post to discover the Strategyzer Learning Card.

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Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card
Capture (customer) insights and actions with The Learning Card

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Want to make innovation work in your organization? Connect with us to explore practical solutions that fit your needs. We'll help you build ideas that deliver measurable results.
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