Experience first hand how AI accelerates innovation

An intense 1 day workshop by Strategyzer senior advisor Paris Thomas. Learn how an AI-driven innovation process looks like. Experience ideation, prototyping, and testing with cutting edge AI.

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Learn how to use AI models to get from idea to testable artefacts in a matter of minutes. Discover the power of interviewing synthetic AI customers. Learn how to leverage these models and take them back to your organisation to level up your company's innovation speed forever.

Paris is an executive advisor on strategy, innovation and communication. He is a certified facilitator and coach of the Strategyzer methodology, and a contributor of the best selling book “Value Proposition Design”.

What you’ll learn

  • Gain hands-on experience with AI tools that you can integrate into your existing innovation processes
  • Learn to leverage AI tools for near instantaneous visual iteration
  • Learn how to quickly and efficiently gather first evidence AI models
  • Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of ai and innovation

Amongst the AI tools you'll use:

  • RapidVisual
  • AssumptionsGPT
  • ExperimentsGPT

What you’ll receive

  • 1 day in-person (or remote) workshop
  • Access to brand new AI tools
  • 1 year license to the Strategyzer Innovation Platform
  • Workshop course material and exercises (PDF)
  • Certificate of completion and badge
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