Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

Kurt Bostelaar
October 5, 2015
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Corporate leadership are rarely trained to experiment with entirely new business models because they're so focused on peddling the bicycle of the existing one. That needs to change. Saul Kaplan, founder of The Business Innovation Factory, details key steps for big company leadership to enact and embrace frequent business model innovation. Listen in as he lists key takeaways that even business schools don't share.

This discipline of experimenting with business models is a new imperative that didn't always exist. We have to help leaders build that capacity and mindset.”
Saul Kaplan
Founder, Business Innovation Factory

What's discussed in this post?

  • What does it mean to be "Netflixed" by another company?
  • Why does leadership ignore disruption?
  • What traits do leaders need to enact business model innovation?
  • How to move away from short term thinking, and appreciate long term thinking.
  • How to build your very own business model sandbox. 

Saul Kaplan, Founder of The Business Innovation Factory (@skap5)
Alex Osterwalder, co-founder of Strategyzer (@AlexOsterwalder)

Kavi Guppta (@kaviguppta)

A Void by Johnny Ripper

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About the speakers

Kurt Bostelaar
Program designer

Kurt designs learning experiences that transform how teams work. Through outcome focused programs, he helps practitioners rapidly grasp innovation concepts to create real impact in their organizations. His passion lies in making the complex simple, visual, and practical.

Kurt Bostelaar
October 5, 2015

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Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

October 5, 2015
 min read
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Corporate leadership are rarely trained to experiment with entirely new business models because they're so focused on peddling the bicycle of the existing one. That needs to change. Saul Kaplan, founder of The Business Innovation Factory, details key steps for big company leadership to enact and embrace frequent business model innovation. Listen in as he lists key takeaways that even business schools don't share.

This discipline of experimenting with business models is a new imperative that didn't always exist. We have to help leaders build that capacity and mindset.”
Saul Kaplan
Founder, Business Innovation Factory

What's discussed in this post?

  • What does it mean to be "Netflixed" by another company?
  • Why does leadership ignore disruption?
  • What traits do leaders need to enact business model innovation?
  • How to move away from short term thinking, and appreciate long term thinking.
  • How to build your very own business model sandbox. 

Saul Kaplan, Founder of The Business Innovation Factory (@skap5)
Alex Osterwalder, co-founder of Strategyzer (@AlexOsterwalder)

Kavi Guppta (@kaviguppta)

A Void by Johnny Ripper

Create growth or learn at scale

We can show your company how to use our methodology to understand customers, leverage your assets, and grow. See our enterprise programs to help you achieve strategy and innovation success.

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Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

Corporate leadership are rarely trained to experiment with entirely new business models because they're so focused on peddling the bicycle of the existing one. That needs to change. Saul Kaplan, founder of The Business Innovation Factory, details key steps for big company leadership to enact and embrace frequent business model innovation. Listen in as he lists key takeaways that even business schools don't share.

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Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation
Why corporate leadership needs to get comfortable with frequent business model innovation

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